Giving Back

Giving back

At Mitsubishi HC Capital UK PLC we're aiming to become a more socially innovative business, one that puts the United Nation's (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its heart. 

Giving back to the community is an integral part of our culture and with lots of varied and exciting ways you can get involved and make a difference.

How we make a difference

Charity & volunteering

We select charity partners that make positive changes for people and the environment and align with one or more Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition to charitable giving, everyone receives a paid volunteering day each year. We have a volunteer leave gifting scheme for team members who cannot use their volunteering leave.


Sustainability has been heart of our business for many years and many of us have contributed to a range of projects and initiatives relating to sustainability and decarbonisation. 

Corporate social responsibility

We aim to be a socially innovative business. We focus on markets and activities where we can contribute positively towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and carbon neutrality in alignment with the Paris Agreement. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to our commitment to contributing and making a sustainable difference in the society and community we live and work.

From the blog

Meet Sua Yun


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Sua Yun Role: Graduate Operations TeamWith the business since: 2022 Division: Mitsubishi HC Capital UK Joining Mitsubishi HC Capital as a graduate was an exciting process for me. Applying to job


Joining Mitsubishi HC Capital as a graduate was an exciting process for me. Applying to jobs straight out of university was daunting, but it was clear that the graduate interview process was tailored to assess potential rather than hard experience. Before joining the company, I understood that values of collaboration and inclusion were championed, and this was the main reason I found Mitsubishi HC Capital UK so attractive.

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